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Monday, March 26, 2012

Gender and Democratic Election

Sex is mostly used to identify male from female and gender is deemed to be similar to this term in some instances. However, the role of male and female varies in a given domesticity and hence, gender refers to a variable concept.

Sex is the biological reality of humans as it indicates the biological and natural difference between males and females. Humans are born male or female and this difference is a natural, international and continuous process. Some difference is roles exist among humans due to this natural difference. For instance, only females can conceive, bear and breastfeed a child as males don’t have the natural gift to do such things.

Gender is the result of attitude and thinking within the society. Gender is ancient term to which a new definition has been assigned. It is a joint term composed of several related ideas. Knowing the concept of gender enables us to understand its impact on males and females during the process of development. Gender is a concept created as a result of the political, economic, cultural and social living status of a given society containing the working relationships and process between males and females. Despite its extensive inclusion in development and growth plans, adequate attention hasn’t been given at conceptual level. Gender related issues in most countries of the world have to do with female right issues. As a result, gender practice is deemed to be favoring only women.

Gender has been given attention as the issue of development and democracy at national and international level. Pioneer and important measures were taken in the past two decades to improve and adjust the living conditions of women and ensure their equality, participation and benefits in social, political as well as economic fields. The resumption of participation and benefit of women is considered as main element within the Growth and Transformation Plan that the country has embarked on.
The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia has issued directives and regulations for boosting the political participation of women and political parties who fielded female candidates were given 10% financial subsidy and the representation of women has been ensured within the election officers at different level. Statistical data reveal that the number of female members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives and regional councils has increased from 1995 – 2010 elections.

Women with seats
House of Peoples’ Representatives
Regional councils

The board has given attention to the issue of gender within its five years strategic plan approved in 2010 in order to increase the role of women as voters and candidates. In this regard, training has been offered to female journalists and female members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives and political parties to raise the level of their participation.

Workshop organized by the Board for female journalists

93 of the 241 employees of the Board are women and the participation of women increased from the past periods starting from board membership to the lower level. The role of women as voters is higher than the rate of their candidacy for political position. In this regard, political parties need to focus on fielding female candidates.
Officers and employees of the office need to include gender within their plan so that the women employed in the office develop their skill and knowledge in their routine functions to contribute their part for the democratization process. Educating women, narrowing the gender gap, and creating gender understanding at all levels will help the attainment of the national plan.  

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